AEO Authorization

On 30th of July, 2024, our company obtained the AEOC “customs simplifications” type certification, which is recognized in all member states of the European Union. This certifies the holder’s reliability on customs and indicates his intention to cooperate with customs authorities, thereby strengthening the recognition of the holder as a safe and reliable business partner.

The AEO program is the Authorised Economic Operator program of the European Union, that aims increasing the security of the international supply chain, thereby creating a more stable business environment in the long term. A business that obtains AEO status commits to meeting the AEO criteria defined in EU customs regulations. To gain and maintain this status, the applicant must continuously comply with the criteria set out in EU Customs Regulations, which compliance is supervised by the competent tax and customs authorities.

Within the framework of the program, a business with AEO authorization can benefit from customs simplifications that accelerate the movement of goods and administrative processes through the application of facilitation measures during customs procedures, reducing the frequency and extent of physical and document-based customs checks, thereby reducing waiting times and costs. Additionally, the business can also take advantages of further customs benefits, such as: direct arrival of customs goods at their premises, choosing the location for customs inspection, exemption from the obligation to pay import VAT and its fulfilment through self-assessment, and reduced customs guarantee payments.

The AEO authorization is valid until withdrawal and does not have a predetermined expiration date.