
At Amphenol, we do the right thing, always. Maintaining our integrity and reputation will always be our priority.

Amphenol’s shared values to be ethical at all times, create a diverse workforce, empower our people, create a sustainable business and continue to innovate for customers is fully endorsed by our Board of Directors and Executive Management. Our corporate sustainability initiatives are supported and reviewed by Amphenol’s Board of Directors.

Board of Directors

The mission of our Board of Directors is to represent the interests of shareholders in the long-term performance of the business. Our Board is committed to sound corporate governance structures and policies that enable us to operate our business responsibly and with integrity, and to position us to compete more effectively, sustain our success and build long-term shareholder value.

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Executive Leadership

Our leadership team remains committed to our shared responsibility of generating value for our customers, employees and shareholders while also minimizing our impact on the environment and being a positive force in our communities.

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Amphenol Sincere Industrial Product Ltd.

H-7673 Cserkút, Batvölgyi út 3.